
Community Funding And Grant Programs

Funding and grant programs are available to support community based non-profit organization and residents that provide programs and services in Burlington.

Both Community Development and Fee Waiver applications are open any time throughout the year. Applicants will be notified within 30 days of receiving the application.

Submit a Community Support Application

Community Development Fund
Community development funding is a one-time multi-year (up to 3 years) funding opportunity to support community organizations in building capacity to provide programs, services, and events for residents of Burlington.

What does the fund support?
The funding is provided to help deliver programs, services, and events for the residents of Burlington by off-setting costs related to:

* Training of volunteers
* Equipment purchases
* Establishing a non-profit corporation
* Governance support
* Marketing and advertising
* Program start-up costs

Who is eligible for funding?
Community development funding is open to community groups or those seeking to become a non-profit organization.

Fundraising activities are not eligible for funding and grant programs and applicants are able to access funding once every five years.

How is funding evaluated?
An applicant will be considered if they are able to demonstrate their request:

• will improve the organization’s ability to deliver sustainable services and programs

• focuses on one of the funds’ seven areas of interest: civic, culture, diversity, environment, place-making, recreation, and sport

* financial statements and budget

Facility Fee Waiver
The Facility Fee Waiver Program is a one-time opportunity to support the development of community-based programs and covers a portion of the rental fee for a facility permitted through the City of Burlington.

What does the fund support?
Funding is available on a one-time only basis to support new initiatives or assist organizations in providing sustainable programs to residents of Burlington.

Funding can offset all or a portion of the rental fees for gymnasiums, pools, ice, sports fields, community rooms and auditoriums.

Who is eligible for funding?
Facility Fee Waiver funding is available to community based non-profit organizations offering a program, service, or event for Burlington residents.

How is funding evaluated?
An application will be considered if the organization is able to demonstrate their request:

* Will provide a new or enhanced program or service
* Supports the sustainability of an existing program or service
* Focuses on one of the funds’ seven areas of interest: civic, culture, diversity, environment, place-making, recreation, and sport
* Budget/financial records showing the need for funding